Support B’nai Israel with your Membership or Contribution

For over 130 years, Jewish families in this area have made B’nai Israel the center of their Jewish lives—their spiritual home. We invite you to enter in and make it your home as well. Here you will find warm community, joyous celebrations, meaningful study and learning, rich spirituality and sacred moments.

At B’nai Israel, families and friends join together in true community. We celebrate each other’s joys, and we comfort each other’s sorrows. We support those in need, and we rejoice in friendships, new and old. You will find our congregation to be a place of heartfelt connections that extend well beyond our synagogue walls.

No one will be denied membership due to financial circumstances. All Jews, those with Jewish spouses or partners, and individuals considering converting to Judaism are welcome to become members. Individuals and families who have questions about our membership commitment program may work with our Treasurer to determine a mutually agreeable commitment.


Whether you want to donate in memory of a loved one, sponsor an activity, or help support our programs or building needs, your contribution is welcomed. All contributions are tax deductible.